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Showing results 275 to 294 of 330 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-05Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : Skills for a 10x Economy
Department for the Economy
2021-05-26Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : A Consultation : Skills for a 10x Economy : Summary
Department for the Economy
2022-05Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : Skills for a 10X Economy
Department for the Economy
2016-08-22Special educational needs : a brief overview
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2016-03-03Special school fundingNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2023-09Statutory Guidance on the Reduction and Management of Restrictive Practices in Educational Settings in Northern Ireland : Draft for Consultation
Department of Education
2022-02Stepping P & Stepping Forward : A series of 10 learning insights
Education and Training Inspectorate
2021-10Strategic Review of Clinical Education : Your Education Your Voice Autumn 2021
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Health and Social Care Trust
2018-05Strategic Vision 2018-2021Integrated Education Fund (Northern Ireland)
2022-06Strategic Vision 2022-2025 : Towards 100 Integrated Schools
Integrated Education Fund (Northern Ireland)
2019-02Study into the development of digital education in Primary Schools in Northern Ireland : Baseline Study
Northern Ireland Screen Commission; Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (Great Britain); Galanouli, Despina; Clarke, Linda
2019-12Study into the development of digital education in Primary Schools in Northern Ireland : Baseline Study : Executive Summary
Northern Ireland Screen Commission; Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (Great Britain)
2018-09-14Submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry into Education Funding in Northern Ireland : Summary and Recommendations
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2018-09-14Submission to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee inquiry into Education Funding in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2018-06Summary of 'Attainment and performance in the controlled schools' sector'Controlled Schools' Support Council
2016-08Summary Report of Responses to the Consultation on the Improving Pupil Attendance StrategyDepartment of Education
2017-09Supplementary Guidance on the Assessment Arrangements : In relation to pupils in the final year of Key Stage 3 for Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT From 2017/18
Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland)
2018-05SureStart Evaluation Report : An evaluation of the effectiveness of Sure Start in promoting and improving the development of children’s speech, language and communication skills to prepare them and their parents for the next stage of their learning and development.
Education and Training Inspectorate
2017-01Sustaining Improvement Inspection : Guidance for Schools
Education and Training Inspectorate
2019-12Tackling Educational Disadvantage : 10 Features of Effective Schools - "STAR" Case Studies Paper
Department of Education