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Showing results 207 to 226 of 330 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-06NI Skills Barometer : Update Report : "Skills in demand"
Department for the Economy; Ulster University. Economic Policy Centre
2019Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) : Management Statement
Department of Education
2019-12OCN NI Response to CCEA Monitoring ReportCouncil for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland)
2016Opening Minds : Integrated Education Development Plan 2014-2017
Integrated Education Fund (Northern Ireland)
2021-09-13Outdoor Spaces for Play and Learning in Special Schools : Guidance for Schools
Department of Education
2016-07Part One : Attendance in Schools ETI Good Practice Report
Education and Training Inspectorate
2016-04People Strategy 2016- 1Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland)
2022-11People Strategy 2022-2027Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland)
2022-06Perceptions of Level 4 and 5 Qualifications in Northern IrelandStranmillis College (Belfast, Northern Ireland). Centre for Research in Educational Underachievment (CREU); Purdy, Noel; Gibson, Ken; Orr, Karen; Tsang, Katie
2019-01Performance PointsDepartment of Education
2018-03PFG - 2016/2021 Measurement Annex : % of schools found to be good or better
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2017-12PIRLS 2016 in Northern Ireland : Executive Summary
Department of Education
2017-12PIRLS 2016 in Northern Ireland : Reading achievement
Department of Education; The National Foundation for Educational Research; Sizmur, Juliet; Ager, R. (Robert); Classick, Rachel; Lynn, Laura
2023-05PIRLS 2021 in Northern Ireland : Reading Attainment
Department of Education; The National Foundation for Educational Research; Classick, Rachel
2022-01-18Planning for Special Education Provision : Draft Strategic Area Plan 2022-27 : Specialist Schools and Specialist Provision in Mainstream Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Department of Education; Education Authority; Council for Catholic Maintained Schools; Controlled Schools' Support Council; Catholic Schools' Trustee Service; Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta; Governing Bodies Association N.I.; Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education; Transferor Representatives' Council
2022-06Planning for Sustainable Provision : Strategic Area Plan 2022 - 27 : Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Department of Education; Council for Catholic Maintained Schools; Controlled Schools' Support Council; Catholic Schools' Trustee Service; Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta; Governing Bodies Association N.I.; Council for Integrated Education; Transferor Representative Council
2022-01-18Planning for Sustainable Provision : Draft Strategic Area Plan 2022-27 : Primary and Post-Primary Schools
Department of Education; Education Authority; Council for Catholic Maintained Schools; Controlled Schools' Support Council; Catholic Schools' Trustee Service; Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta; Governing Bodies Association N.I.; Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education; Transferor Representatives' Council
2022-01Policy on Deferral of School Starting AgeDepartment of Education
2020-06Post-Primary : Remote and blended learning : curricular challenges and approaches
Education and Training Inspectorate
2015-09Post-Primary Transfer PolicyDepartment of Education