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Showing results 265 to 284 of 330 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-05Safeguarding and Child Protection in Schools : A Guide for Schools
Department of Education
2023-02School Complaints : A guide to best practice when responding to complaints in a school setting
Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2013-01-17School Enhancement Programme : Second Call : Protocol for Selection
Department of Education
2017-03School Governors Handbook : Safeguarding and Child Protection
Department of Education; Child Protection Support Service for Schools
2021-03-03School Starting Age : Policy and Practice in the UK
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McMurray, Sinéad
2015-11-05Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in 2015Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline; Irwin, Bronagh
2019-05Shared education briefing paperControlled Schools' Support Council; McMenemy, Rachel
2015-09Sharing Works : A Policy for Shared Education
Department of Education
2016-04Skills Focus ProgrammeDepartment for Employment and Learning
2018-02Skills Intervention Programme April 2010 to October 2016 : Evaluation
Capaxo Ltd
2022-05Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : Skills for a 10X Economy
Department for the Economy
2021-05Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : Skills for a 10x Economy
Department for the Economy
2021-05-26Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland : A Consultation : Skills for a 10x Economy : Summary
Department for the Economy
2016-08-22Special educational needs : a brief overview
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2016-03-03Special school fundingNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Perry, Caroline
2023-09Statutory Guidance on the Reduction and Management of Restrictive Practices in Educational Settings in Northern Ireland : Draft for Consultation
Department of Education
2022-02Stepping P & Stepping Forward : A series of 10 learning insights
Education and Training Inspectorate
2021-10Strategic Review of Clinical Education : Your Education Your Voice Autumn 2021
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Health and Social Care Trust
2018-05Strategic Vision 2018-2021Integrated Education Fund (Northern Ireland)
2022-06Strategic Vision 2022-2025 : Towards 100 Integrated Schools
Integrated Education Fund (Northern Ireland)