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Showing results 13 to 32 of 172 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-03-31Background Quality Report : Racial Equality Indicator Report
Executive Office; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2021-11Belief Marriage and Minimum Age for Marriage or Civil Partnership : A Public Consultation
Department of Finance
2020-11Briefing Note on need for Equality DataEquality Commission for Northern Ireland
2020-11Briefing Note on need for Equality DataEquality Commission for Northern Ireland
2017-09Disability Action Plan : 5 year review over the period 2012-2017
Department of Health
2018-04Disability Action Plan : Draft 2018 - 2023
Health and Social Care Board
2016-10Disability Action Plan : For The Loughs Agency
Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission. Loughs Agency
2015-11Disability Action Plan : (updated)
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2018-02Disability Action Plan (updated to 31st March 2018)Department of Finance
2017-09Disability Action Plan 2012-2018 (update and extension for period March 2017 to March 2018)Department of Health
2017-01Disability Action Plan 2013-2017 (update and extension for period September 2016 to March 2017)Department of Health
2018-05Disability Action Plan 2015-2019Health and Social Care Board
2016-08Disability Action Plan 2016 - 2021Northern Ireland Audit Office
2017-08Disability Action Plan 2017-2019Special EU Programmes Body
2019-07Disability Action Plan 2019-20Public Prosecution Service
2018-05Disability Action Plan, Local Actions 2018 - 2023Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-02Disability rights in Northern Ireland : Supplementary submission to inform the CRPD List of Issues on the UK
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2017-07Disability rights in the UK : UK independent Mechanism : Updated submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in advance of the public examination of the UK's implementation of the UN CRPD
UK Independent Mechanism
2017-02Disabillity rights in the UK : UK Independent Mechanism : Submission to inform the CRPD List of Issues on the UK
UK Independent Mechanism
2022-09Diversity and Equality Study of the Northern Ireland Solicitor ProfessionLaw Society of Northern Ireland