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Showing results 393 to 412 of 523 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-12Review of Neurology Services : Terms of Reference
Department of Health
2016-06Review of Quality Improvement Systems and ProcessesRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2018-07Review of the Administration of Antibiotic Medicines and Medicine ChangesRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2019-09Review of the Implementation of the Developing Eyecare Partnerships StrategyRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2018-07Review of the Management of Medicines During a Service User's Admission to a Care HomeRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-09Review of the Operation of Health and Social Care Whistleblowing ArrangementsRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017RQIA Acute Hospital Inspection Programme - Phase 1 Summary ReportRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Decision Making Panel Procedures in Respect of Notice/s of ProposalRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Decision Making Panel Procedures in Respect of Urgent ProceduresRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Enforcement Policy : (Document 2 in a Suite of 6)
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Enforcement PolicyRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Enforcement Review Panel Procedures in Respect of Written Representation Regarding Failure to Comply Notice/sRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04RQIA Enforcement Review Panel Procedures in Respect of Written Representation Regarding Improvement Notice/sRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2019-11RQIA Guideline for Planning to Birth at Home in Northern Ireland (2019)Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2018-10Rubella and Pregnancy : what you need to know
Public Health Agency
2017Safeguarding Adults : Development of a Core Competency Framework : Project Plan
Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing & Midwifery
2018-04Serious Adverse Incidents (SAI) : Information on SAIs for service users, their families and/or carers
Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2021-06-18Service Delivery Plan : July - August 2021
Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2021-06Service Delivery Plan for Belfast Health and Social Care Trust : July - August 2021
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
2021-06Service Delivery Plan July and August 2021Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)