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Showing results 83 to 102 of 518 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01Dementia and care of natural teeth and denturesPublic Health Agency; Health and Social Care Board
2018-02Dementia and sight lossHealth and Social Care Board
2020-03Dental Practices Trend Report : 2011 - 2019
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Stewart, Rachel; Morrison, Paula; Lynch, Mark
2021-10Department of Health Policy Statement : Transforming HSC Pathology Services
Department of Health
2017-10Developing Eyecare Partnerships 2012-2017 : Improving the Commissioning and Provision of Eyecare Services in Northern Ireland
Department of Health; Health and Social are Board; Public Health Agency
2016-03Diabetes Strategic FrameworkDepartment of Health, Social Services and Public Safety
2016-11Diabetes Strategic Framework and Implementation Plan : Consultation Responses Summary Report
Department of Health
2020-12Digital Self-Trace : Public information campaign
Public Health Agency
2018-05Disability Action Plan, Local Actions 2018 - 2023Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-02Disability rights in Northern Ireland : Supplementary submission to inform the CRPD List of Issues on the UK
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2018-10Don't gamble with your sexual health : Why a check up is important
Public Health Agency
2018-03Door to Needle time in Acute Stroke Thrombolysis : Northern Ireland Regional Audit 2013-2016
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-11Draft Disability Action Plan (2018-2023) : Annex B
Department of Health
2017-11Draft Equality Action Plan 2018-2023 : Annex A
Department of Health
2018-05Draft Strategic Framework for Imaging Services in Health and Social Care : Summary of responses to the consultation
Department of Health
2017-08Draft WHSCT Local Actions 2017-2022 : to support HSC Draft Equality Action Plan and Disability Action Plans for 2017-2022
Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2020-01Drinking water and health : a guide for public and environmental health professionals and for those in the water industry in Northern Ireland
Drinking Water and Health Liaison Group
2017E.coli Bacteraemia Surveillance : by quarter, from 2010 to 2016 (Q4)Public Health Agency
2018-06Early onset dementia : the experience of living with early onset dementia - people with the condition and family members tell their story
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2017-04Eating, drinking and swallowing : A guide for carers of people living with a dementia
Public Health Agency