Showing results 147 to 166 of 523
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020-03 | Handling with Care : A practical guide to the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders in the healthcare sector
| Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland |
2016-01-06 | Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2015 | Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Black, Lesley-Ann |
2016-01-13 | Health and Personal Social Services (Amendment) Bill | Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Potter, Michael |
2017 | Health and Safety Policy | Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency |
2016-02 | Health and Social Care Board Paper on HSC Restructuring | Health and Social Care Board |
2016-10-13 | Health and Social Care in NI - Areas of EU Competence, Action and Support - Potential Areas of Impact on Health and Social Care as a result of EU Referendum Decision | Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Thompson, Janice |
2016-03 | Health and Social Care reform and transformation - Getting the structures right, Consultation Analysis Report | Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety |
2018-05 | Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy 2026 | Department of Health; Health and Social Care |
2016-10 | Health and Wellbeing 2026 - Delivering Together | Department of Health |
2017-06 | Health Inequalities : additional table to accompany the 2016 Director of Public Health Annual Report
| Public Health Agency |
2019-07 | Health Inequalities : Life Expectancy Decomposition 2019
| Department of Health. Information Analysis Directorate; Carson, Philip. (Statistician); Blakley, Hannah; Laverty, Caolan |
2021-12 | Health Survey (NI) First Results 2020/21 | Department of Health. Information Analysis Directorate |
2017-11 | healthy choices : choose wisely : advice for parents on nutrition and activity for primary school children
| Public Health Agency |
2023-11 | Healthy Futures : A Strategic Framework to Prevent the Harm caused by Obesity, and Improve Diets and Levels of Physical Activity in Northern Ireland : A Consultation Document
| Department of Health |
2017-11 | Hepatitis B : Factsheet for patients
| Public Health Agency |
2016-12 | Hepatitis B : Could I be at risk?
| Public Health Agency |
2016-12 | Hepatitis C : could I be at risk?
| Public Health Agency |
2017-10 | Hepatitis C - what now? : patient results factsheet
| Public Health Agency |
2020-05 | HR COVID 19 Response - Trust Board Update 7 May 2020 | Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) |
2019-04 | HSC Leadership Centre Questionnaire and Focus Group Feedback on Breast Assessment Services (July-August 2017) | HSC Leadership Centre (HSCLC); McMillan, Roni; Reaney, Patricia; Taylor, Paula |