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Showing results 247 to 266 of 395 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-12-22Northern Ireland Gambling Licencing and Industry Data : Background Quality Report
Department for Communities
-Northern Ireland Homelessness BulletinDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency; Northern Ireland Housing Executive
-Northern Ireland Housing BulletinDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Northern Ireland Housing BulletinDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Northern Ireland Housing StatisticsDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2019-06Northern Ireland Motorsport TaskforceDepartment for Communities; Motorsport Taskforce
-Northern Ireland Poverty and Income Inequality ReportDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2016-09Northern Ireland Universal Credit Information BookletDepartment for Communities
2017-10Oldpark Road Environmental Improvements : Community Consultation
Department for Communities
2017-10Oldpark Road Public Realm Improvements SchemeDepartment for Communities
2022-07Outcome of the Survey on the Use of the NI Poverty Bulletin, NI Households Below Average Income Report and the NI Family Resources Survey ReportDepartment for Communities
2023-07Overview of the McCloud Remedy in the Local Government Pension Scheme Northern Ireland : Annex D
Department for Communities
2024-08Partnership Agreement between Department for Communities and Northern Ireland Museums CouncilDepartment for Communities
2024-04Partnership Agreement between Department for Communities and Armagh Observatory and PlanetariumDepartment for Communities
2024-05Partnership Agreement Between Department for Communities and Libraries NIDepartment for Communities
2024-05Partnership Agreement between Department for Communities and National Museums NIDepartment for Communities
2022-11-11Partnership Agreement between Department for Communities and Sport Northern IrelandDepartment for Communities; Sport Northern Ireland
2020-10Pension Credit : Estimates of Benefit Take-Up 2017/18 : Quality and Methodology Information Report
Department for Communities
-Pensioners’ Income Series Bulletin : Northern Ireland
Department for Communities
2024-01Pensions Dashboards : Guidance on Deferred Connection
Department for Communities