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Showing results 184 to 203 of 374 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-03Guidelines for Contestability in Electricity Connections in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2016-03Guidelines for Contestability in Electricity Connections in Northern Ireland : Consultation Report and Recommendations
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2022-09Information note on review of electricity guaranteed standards of service and overall standards of performanceNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2022-12-01Information paper following proposal to modify Condition 5 “Security Arrangements” of all electricity generation licencesNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2020-01Information Paper on clarification changes and updates made to the Energy Supplier Marketing Codes of Practice in Northern Ireland (Business Customers) : UR Information Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-09Information Paper on clarification changes and updates made to the Energy Supplier Marketing Codes of Practice in Northern Ireland (Domestic Customers) : UR Information Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-03-24Licence Modification Decisions on Professional and Legal services in relation to GIS for firmus energy : Decision paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2016-09Licence Modifications Pursuant to the GD17 Final Determination and other Regulatory DecisionsNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2016-09-15Licence Modifications Pursuant to the GD17 Final Determination and other Regulatory DecisionsNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-02-22Licence Modifications Pursuant to the GD23 Final Determination and other Regulatory Decisions : Decision Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-08-07Licence Modifications Pursuant to the RP6 Final Determination : Decision Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-10-03Licence Modifications to NIE Network's Distribution Licence: Electricity connections review : Decision Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-10-03Licence modifications to SONI TSO Licence: Electricity connections review : Decision Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-07-28Lightsource SPV 94 Decision PaperNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-07-28Lightsource SPV94 : Decision Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2020-01Marketing Code of Practice for Business CustomersNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2018-05-21Marketing Code of Practice for Domestic CustomersNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2017-05Measures to Enhance the Operation of the Small Business Energy Market : Information Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2016-08-31MG NI 34 DUoS, Transaction and PSO Billing v3.0 Page 1 of 16Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2022-05Micro-generation settlement : Decision paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation