Browsing by Author Northern Ireland Education Authority

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Showing results 25 to 29 of 29 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-04Scheme for the Management of Controlled SchoolsNorthern Ireland Education Authority
2024-03Specialist Provision in Mainstream Schools Operational Plan 1 : 2022-24 : Overview Document : Proposal to seek approval of Specialist Provision in Mainstream Classes
Northern Ireland Education Authority
2016-01Teaching Appointments Scheme for Controlled SchoolsNorthern Ireland Education Authority
2022-11The Education Welfare Service Transformation ProjectNorthern Ireland Education Authority
2019-05What Wellbeing Means : Informing the Development of an Emotional Health and Wellbeing Framework for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland
Department of Education; Public Health Agency; National Children's Bureau; Department of Health; Northern Ireland Education Authority