Browsing by Author Swann, Robin

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Showing results 21 to 31 of 31 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-10-02Urgent Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 2 October at 4.30pm : COVID19- Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-12-30Urgent Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Wednesday 30 December at 3.30pm : COVID 19 Vaccination Programme
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-10-09Urgent Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 9 October 4.30pm : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-10-16Written statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-10-23Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-10-30Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 30 October 2020 at 5pm : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-11-06Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 6th November 2020 at 5pm : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-11-27Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 27 November 2020 at 5pm : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-11-13Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Friday 13 November 2020 at 5pm : COVID19 - Update
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-11-19Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann : Thursday 19 November 2020 : COVID19 - Decisions
Department of Health; Swann, Robin
2020-02-21Written Statement to the Assembly by Health Minister Robin Swann MLA : RQIA Review of the Governance of Outpatient Servies
Department of Health; Swann, Robin