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Showing results 6623 to 6642 of 12495 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-01-29Machinery, Wood and Bark Imports Requiring Notification Through Traces -NT : Instruction
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2020-12-08Macro-Economic Outlook Micro Inquiry Special ReportNorthern Ireland Assembly. Committee for the Economy
2021-10MAG Principles : How MAG can help
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland
2022-01MAG Reviews and the Largest Passive House Premium Building in the World - South West College, The Erne CampusMinisterial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland
2017-01-03Maghaberry Prison : Update on Published Action Plan (August 2016)
Criminal Justice Inspectorate
2015-11Maghaberry Prison : Our response to unannounced inspection from May 2015
Northern Ireland Prison Service
-Maghaberry Prison Annual ReportIndependent Monitoring Board for Northern Ireland
-Magillan Prison Annual ReportIndependent Monitoring Board for Northern Ireland
-Magistrates' Court Bulletin : Quarterly provisional figures
Department of Justice. Analytical Services Group
-Magistrates' Court BulletinDepartment of Justice. Analytical Services Group
2017-10Magistrates' Courts Sentencing Guidelines : Introduction and General Principles
Judiciary NI
2018-10Main findings of the five year review of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland's integrated Equality Scheme and Action Plan : A Summary report for the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2023-05Main findings of the five-year review of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland's integrated Equality Scheme and Action Plan - March 2023 : A summary report for the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2018Mainstreaming Mixed-Tenure in Northern Ireland : The way forward for developing homes?
Department for Communities; Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations
2022-09Mainstreaming Shared Education StrategyDepartment of Education
2016-08-08Maintenance FAQs : Goods Vehicle Operator Licensing
Department for Infrastructure
2019-12-19Major Capital ProjectsNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2024-02Major Capital Projects : Follow-up report : Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2018-07Major Trauma in Older PeopleHealth and Social Care Board; Redmill, R
2023-10Make it here : Toolkit for Tourism & Hospitality Businesses
Tourism Northern Ireland