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Showing results 113 to 132 of 1080 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-02-17Badger Survey : NIEA Specific Requirements
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-04Badgers : Advice for Planning Officers and Appllicants Seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which May Impact Upon Badgers
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-11Basic Bank Account : Your guide to the different basic bank accounts available in Northern Ireland
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a bunk house businessTourism Northern Ireland
2019-05Basic Guide to Starting a Bunk House BusinessTourism Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a campus accommodation businessTourism Northern Ireland
2019-05Basic Guide to Starting a Campus Accommodation BusinessTourism Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a guest accommodation businessTourism Northern Ireland
2018-04Basic Guide to Starting a Guest House BusinessTourism Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a guesthouse businessTourism Northern Ireland
2019-05Basic Guide to Starting a Hostel Accommodation BusinessTourism Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a hostel businessTourism Northern Ireland
2016-06Basic guide to starting a hotel businessTourism Northern Ireland
2017Basic Guide to Starting Bed and Breakfast AccommodationTourism Northern Ireland
2017Basic Guide to Starting Self-Catering AccommodationTourism Northern Ireland
2021-03Basic Payment Scheme Guide (includes guidance on the Protein Crops Scheme)Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2017-02-17Bat Surveys : NIEA Specific Requirements
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-04Bats : Advice for Planning Officers and Applicants Seeking Planning Permission for Land Which May Affect Bats
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2020-12Becoming a School Governor : For people from all backgrounds
Department of Education; Northern Ireland Education Authority
2016-11Beef Labelling Guide : For individuals/organisations in Northern Ireland selling beef
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs