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Showing results 553 to 572 of 1080 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-02ICC Belfast Operational Guidance : A guide for users of the waiting and consultation facilities at NICTS Nightingale Lagan
Department of Justice
2020-12IHRD Implementation Programme : What does a duty of candour mean for Health and Social Care? : Analysis of views from involvement events.
Health and Social Care Board; McBride, Peter; Donnelly, Patricia (Physician); Fordyce, Claire; Weir, Alan
2020-07IHRD Implementation Programme : What does a Duty of Candour mean for Health and Social Care? : Involvement events appendices
Health and Social Care Board; McBride, Peter; Donnelly, Patricia (Physician); Fordyce, Claire; Weir, Alan
2020-07Immunisation for babies : Up to a year old
Public Health Agency
2016-01Immunisation for babies just after their first birthdayPublic Health Agency
2016-05Immunisation for babies up to a year oldPublic Health Agency
2016-07Immunisation for pre-school children, three years and four months oldPublic Health Agency
2021-07Impact on Medical and Dental Training Programmes of COVID-19 Response Guidance to Trainees - Updated July 2021Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016-06Implememtation of Article 6 of the Energy Efficiency DirectiveDepartment of Finance
2016-10Implementation and operation of the statutory Food Hygiene Rating Scheme in Northern Ireland. Guidance for district councilsFood Standards Agency Northern Ireland
2016-10Implementation Guidance Sessional & Full Day Care : Childminding and Day Care for Children under Age 12 Minimum Standards
Health and Social Care Board
2015-11Improving Quality : Raising Standards : Further Education and Work-based Learning (2015/16)
Education and Training Inspectorate
2018Improving the Well-being of Children and Young People : Interim Guidance on the Children's Services Co-operation Act (Northern Ireland) 2015
Department of Education
2015-03-31In-Year Monitoring of Public Expenditure : 2015-16 Guidelines
Department of Finance and Personnel
2016-05Increasing Your Retirement BenefitsNorthern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee
2017Increasing Your Retirement BenefitsNorthern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee
2016-07Independent examination of charity accounts : examiner's guide
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
2019-09Independent Schools : Inspection Guidance
Education and Training Inspectorate
2017-06Indicative Sanctions and Use of Interim Orders : Guidance for Fitness to Practice Committees
Northern Ireland Social Care Council
2016-10Industrial and provident societies : Guidance for charitable industrial and provident societies in Northern Ireland on their obligations under charity law
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland