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Showing results 416 to 435 of 642 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-11Quality 2020 : A 10 Year Strategy to Protect and Improve Quality in Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland : Governance Model
Department of Health
2018-06Quantifying the impact of wildfires in Northern Ireland : Final Report 2016
Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Kelly, Ruth; Boston, Emma; Montgomery, William Ian; Reid, Neil
2019-10-07Racial Equality : Tackling Racial Inequalities, Eradicating Racism, Promoting Good Race Relations
Executive Office
2020-10Rapid Learning Review of Domiciliary Care in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health
2020-09Rapid review of pharmacy services changed in response to Covid-19 in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health; Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre; Scott, Michael G; Fleming, Glenda F; Martin, S
2016-07Reablement Service for Northern Ireland : Regional Reablement Pathway (for use by Health and Social Care Trusts)
Health and Social Care Board
2016Recommendations : Programme for Government (PfG) and Budget
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
2018-12-14Reflections on Government Child Sexual Exploitation Progress Reports (Third and Fourth Composite Reports)Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2016-03Regional Audit of Assessment for Admission under the mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network
2018-08Regional Audit of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Colitis : A retrospective regional audit of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) laboratory diagnostics in Crohn’s/Colitis patients in Northern Ireland : August 2018
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2019-11Regional Infection Prevention and Control Audit of NICE Clinical Guideline CG139 and Healthcare Providers in Community and Primary CareRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2016-08Regional Medical Physics Service support for HSC Imaging Services - Current ContextDepartment of Health
2016-01Regional Review of Communication Support services for People who are Deaf/Hard of HearingHealth and Social Care Board
2017-03Regional Review of Imaging : Obstetric Imaging
Department of Health
2018-10Repossessions Taskforce - Review of Recommendations : Housing Supply Unit
Department for Communities
2021-02Research on Measuring Gender IdentityNorthern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2016Resource Budget 2016-17 : High Level Equality Screening Proforma
Department of Education
2020-06Results of Survey into Impact of COVID-19 on NI Construction IndustryConstruction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland
2016-07Retaining Accreditation Follow-up Report : Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency
Investors in People; McCutcheon, Stephanie
2018-11-27Retrospective Review of Surgery for Urogynaecological Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence using Tape or Mesh Experimental Statistics, Northern Ireland, April 2008 - March 2017Department of Health. Information Analysis Directorate