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Showing results 326 to 345 of 617 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-LMC Bulletin (2024)Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-LMC QuarterlyLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-Loneliness in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Magistrates' Court BulletinDepartment of Justice. Analytical Services Group
-Magistrates' Court Bulletin : Quarterly provisional figures
Department of Justice. Analytical Services Group
-Marine Litter ReportDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-Marine Litter WatchDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
-Marine Operations Safety PlanBelfast Harbour Commissioners
-Marine Safety PlanWarrenpoint Harbour Authority
2016-06Marketing the school food : top marks and programme and healthy eating messages
Beattie, K; Gilmore, G
-Mental Capacity Act (MCA) DoLS UpdateDepartment of Health
-Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031 : Delivery Plan
Department of Health
-Monthly BulletinOffice of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
-Monthly Economic ReviewLivestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland
-Monthly Epidemiological Bulletin 2020 : Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Public Health Agency
-Monthly Performance ReportNorthern Ireland. AccessNI
-Monthly Performance ReportNorthern Ireland. Access NI
-Monthly Performance ReportNorthern Ireland. Access NI
-Monthly Performance ReportNorthern Ireland. Access NI
-Mortgages : Actions for possession bulletin
Department of Justice. Analytical Services Group