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Showing results 581 to 600 of 601 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-03-28UK group Tax Strategy : For year ending 28 March 2021
2017-12Unlocking the growth potential for tourism to Northern Ireland from the ROI market : Market Recovery Taskforce Review and Strategy
Market Recovery Taskforce
2016-07Urban Villages Iniative Strategic Frameworks : Executive Summary
Executive Office
2018-02US Market : a strategy for growth : 2018-2025
Tourism Ireland
2021-12Usel Disability Action Plan 2021-2024Ulster Supported Employment Limited
2015User Engagement Strategy : Population Estimates and Projections for Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2021-07Vaccination Programme Phasing : Overall planning assumptions
Department of Health
2017-06Valued : A Strategy to Attract, Welcome, Develop, Celebrate and Support Doctors in Training in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency; HSC; Thompson, Lyndsey Dr; Harron, Camille Dr; Gardiner, Keith Professor
2017-08Valued : A Strategy to Attract, Welcome, Develop, Celebrate and Support Dentists in Training in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency; Thompson, Lyndsey Dr; Harron, Camille Dr; Gardiner, Keith Professor; Hendron, Brid Dr
2017-03Victims and Survivors Mid-Term Review Project : Final Summary Report
Public and Corporate Economic Consultants
2014-12Waste Management StrategyNorthern Ireland Ambulance Service. Health and Social Care Trust
2020-03-31Water Resource And Supply Resilience PlanNorthern Ireland Water
2020-05Water Resource and Supply Resilience Plan : Habitat Regulations Assessment
Northern Ireland Water
2020-04Water Resource and Supply Resilience Plan : Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement
Northern Ireland Water
2020-04Water Resource and Supply Resilience Plan : Appendix 1 : Summary of the Consultation Responses Relevant to the WR & SR Plan
Northern Ireland Water
2021-10-26Waterways Ireland Climate Action PlanWaterways Ireland
2018Wellbeing In Sport Action Plan 2018-2023 : a Plan to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing for People Involved in Sport in Northern Ireland
Ulster University; Public Health Agency; Sport Northern Ireland; Donnelly, Paul F; Breslin, Gavin; Kremer, John, 1956-
2023-03Wildfires in Northern Ireland : Draft Strategic Way Forward
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-10-14Winter Service Delivery Plan : October 2021 - March 2022
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
2010-10Women's Offending Behaviour in Northern Ireland : A Strategy to Manage Women Offenders and Those Vulnerable to Offending Behaviour 2010-2013
Department of Justice