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Results 11-20 of 22 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-08-15Complaints about the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern IrelandPrisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2017-03-05Investigation Report Into the Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Mr Paul Johnston Aged 27 at Magilligan Prison on 4th August 2017Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2018-08-08Investigation Report into the Circumstances Surrounding the death of 'Mr L' While in the Custody of the Northern Ireland Prison ServicePrisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2019-09-26Investigation Report Into the Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Mr Bernard Law Aged 44 at Magilligan Prison on 25th March 2017Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2018-08-29Investigation Report into the Circumstances Surrounding the Death of Mr M Aged 34 at Maghaberry Prison on 30th November 2016Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2019-02Investigation into the death of Mr N who died on 27th August 2017, thirteen days after his release on licence from Maghaberry PrisonPrisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2019-06Investigation into the death of Mr P who died on 13th September 2017, five days after his release from Maghaberry PrisonPrisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2013-11Report by the Prisoner Ombudsman into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mr D on (date dedacted)Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2015-09Investigation report into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mt H Aged 34, on 21st September 2014 following his release from Maghaberry Prison on 30th July 2014Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
2019-05Investigation into the death of Mr O who died on 16th January 2018, eleven days after his release from Hydebank Wood Secure CollegePrisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland