Other Publications (Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 374
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-05-31Review of the Regulation of the Non-Domestic Energy Retail Market : Position Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2024-05SONI Review of Prices 2026-31 (SRP26): : Business Plan Data Tables (BPDT) Guidance : Commentary Guidance
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2024-05SRP26 Business Plan Information Requirements : Business Plan Assessment
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2024-05SONI Price Control 2026-31 : Final Approach Decision
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-03-08Approach to Enforcement : Consultation on revising 'Our Enforcement Policy Approach and Procedure'
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-03Water and Sewerage Services PC21 Mid-term Review Approach : The Utility regulator's Approach to the PC21 Mid-term Review
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-05-11Consultation of Seasonal Multiplier Factors for Gas TransmissionNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-06-08Consultation on Deferral of the Start Date of the Next SONI Price ControlNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-06-19Consultation on new Electricity Supply Licence for Share Energy Trading Ltd : UR Consultation
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-06-22Best Practice Framework : Proposals : Code of Practice for Consumers in Vulnerable Circumstances : UR Consultation
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
203-06Electricity Generation Licence for Murley Renewable Energy LimitedNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-07-07A joint Call for Evidence : A Review of the Connections Policy Framework in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation; Department for the Economy
2023-07-28Consultation on new gas supply licence for EP Commodities, a.s. : UR Consultation
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-08Review of Electricity Guaranteed Standards of Service and Overall Standards of PerformanceNorthern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-09-26Consultation on new gas supply licence for Ceres Energy Limited : UR Consultation
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-10Five-Year Disability Action Plan 2024-2029Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-11-07Cluster Methodology Review : Consultation Paper
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-11-20Power NI Supply Price Control 2025 : UR Approach Consultation
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-11RP7 Price Control : One step in a fair, affordable and just transition to net zero for all electricity consumers : Overview of the Draft Determination for NIE Networks RP& Price Control April 2025 to March 2031
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2023-11Northern Ireland Electricity Networks Ltd : Transmission and Distribution 7th Price Control (RP7) : Executive Summary
Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 374