Other Publications (Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission)

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 239
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Your Human Rights during the Covid-19 PandemicNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-11NIHRC Response to the Committee for Health Call for Evidence : Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-09Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Submission to Joint Committee for Human Rights on the Proposal for a draft Bereavement Benefits (Remedial) Order 2021Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-10Response to Call for Evidence by the Joint Committee on Human Rights on the Nationality and Borders BillNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-09Response to Department of Justice Consultation on Non-Fatal StrangulationNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-10Submission to the Committee for Education on the Integrated Education BillNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-10-08NIHRC Submission to Committee for Health on the Adoption and Children BillNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-10-08Submission to DoH on the Regional Policy on the use of Restrictive Practices in Health and Social Care SettingsNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-09Response to the Department of Justice Engagement Paper on Pro Bono Costs OrdersNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-09NIHRC Response to Committee for Justice Call for Evidence on the Justice (Sexual Offences and Trafficking Victims) BillNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-09Response to the UK Government’s Follow-up Report to the UN CEDAW Committee’s 2019 Concluding Observations on the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-08NIHRC Submission to Committee for Economy on the Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) BillNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-07Submission on policy proposals for a duty of candour and being openNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-07Response to the public consultation on Improving the experiences of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system : a new three-year Victim and Witness Strategy for Northern Ireland; and the establishment of a Victims of Crime Commissioner for Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-07Response to the Department for Communities on Housing Supply Strategy : 2021
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-07-05Submission to DoH Consultation on proposals for a new regional model of service for separated and unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-05NIHRC Submission to the NI Affairs Committee Inquiry into the experience of minority ethnic and migrant people in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-05Submission to the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Consultation on its Equality Impact Assessment on the use of Spit and Bite GuardsNorthern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-05NI Affairs Committee Inquiry into Citizenship and Passport Processes in NI : NIHRC Commentary on the Northern Ireland Office /Home Office submission to the Committee
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2021-04Briefing Note for Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights : EU Withdrawal and a Bill of Rights
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 239