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Showing results 1268 to 1287 of 1923
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- Northern Archaeological Consultancy Ltd 2
- Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) 83
- Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland). The Rowan Sexual Assault Referral Centre 1
- Northern Ireland Access NI 1
- Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 1
- Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Health and Social Care Trust 41
- Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly 23
- Northern Ireland Assembly. 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Ad Hoc Committee 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Ad Hoc Committee - Bill of Rights 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Ad Hoc Committee - Public Services Ombudsman Bill 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Ad Hoc Joint Committee - Mental Capacity Bill 1
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Assembly and Executive Review Committee 5
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Audit Committee 9
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Chairpersons' Liaison Group 2
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Commissioner for Standards 6
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development 4
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs 9
- Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Communities 12