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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-03A review of new knowledge on tail biting and tail docking : Update on the 2015 report Practical solutions to reduce tail biting in NI pig herds
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
2018-12A Review of Northern Ireland Seal Count Data 1992-2017 : Investigating population trends and recommendations for future monitoring
Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Centre for Environmental Data and Recording; Queen's University Belfast; Culloch, Ross M.; Horne, Nicholas; Kregting, Louise
2019-12-16AFBI launch a new bovine respiratory virus PCR testAgri-Food and Biosciences Institute
2016-05African Horse Sickness Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016-05African Swine Fever Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2019-06-07Analysis of the NI Equine Industry : Breaking new ground
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Deloitte
2016-05Aujeszky's Disease (AD) Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016Avian Influenza : Bird Gatherings - Biosecurity Best Practice
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2017-02-17Badger Survey : NIEA Specific Requirements
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-04Badgers : Advice for Planning Officers and Appllicants Seeking Planning Permission for Developments Which May Impact Upon Badgers
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02-17Bat Surveys : NIEA Specific Requirements
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-09-12Behavioural Appraisal of the Recommendations of the TB Strategic Partnership Group (TBSPG)Robinson, Philip A
2016-05Biosecurity and Preventing Disease in Captive BirdsDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016Biosecurity Information for Bird KeepersDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016-05Bluetongue Virus Disease Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2021-08Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) : Consultation on the Department's Proposed Implementation and Next Steps of the bTB Eradication Strategy for Northern Ireland
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Strategy for Northern IrelandTuberculosis Strategic Partnership Group (Northern Ireland)
2019Bovine Tuberculosis in Domestic Pets : What this means for you
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2017-04Brucellosis : Statistics for December 2016
Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016-05Classical Swine Fever Control Strategy for Nrthern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs