Browsing by Author Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-06A Child's Right to Education and Covid-19 - Next Steps, a Child's Rights ApproachNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2023-02A Place to Call Home : Main Report: A rights based approach to understanding the lived experience of children and families facing homelessness or housing insecurity
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; Queen's University Belfast; Corr, M.; Holland, L.; McKinstry, A.
2023-02A Place to Call Home : Summary Report: A rights based approach to understanding the lived experience of children and families facing homelessness or housing insecurity
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People; Queen's University Belfast; Corr, M.; Holland, L.; McKinstry, A.
2018-01-28Advice in response to 'Briefing on Northern Ireland Budgetary Outlook' 2018-20Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2016-10Advice of the Commissioner for Children and Young People Northern Ireland to the Civil and Family Justice ReviewNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2019-08-23Advice on the Education Authority's Revised Guidelines for Elective Home EducationNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2023-10Advice on The Executive Office’s Draft Budget EQIA 2023-24Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2017-12-08Advice to the Department for Infrastructure on its Consultation on proposed changes to section 10B permits and guidance on minibus drivingNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2016-05-16Advice to the Department of Education on its Consultation on Draft Special Educational Needs (SEN) RegulationsNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2016-02Advice to the Department of Education on the Community Relations, Equality and Diversity (CRED) in Education AddendumNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2023-11Advice to the Department of Education on the Draft Statutory Guidance on the Reduction and Management of Restrictive Practices in Educational Settings in Northern Ireland : Understanding and Responding to Behaviour in Crisis Situations
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2018-05-24Advice to the Education Authority on its Consultation on A Case for Transformation Proposed Framework of Future Provision for Children in the Early Years with Special Educational NeedsNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2016-12-20Advice to the Education Authority on its Consultation on Providing Pathways Draft Strategic Area Plan for School Provision 2017 - 2020Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2021-04Advice to the Education Authority on its Draft Framework for Specialist Provision in Mainstream Schools and Draft Special Schools Area Planning FrameworkNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2017-05-30Advice to the Education Authority on its Draft Strategic Plan 2017 - 2027Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2017-03-14Advice to the Northern Ireland Executive on its Draft Children and Young People's StrategyNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
2017-01-27Advice to the Northern Ireland Executive on its Programme for Government Equality Impact AssessmentNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
-Annual Casework ReportNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
-Annual Complaints and Legal ReportNorthern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
-Annual Report and Accounts For the year ended ...Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People