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Showing results 32 to 51 of 71 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Farm Advisory System NewsletterDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development
2016-12Focus on alcohol : A guide to drinking and health
Public Health Agency
2019-04-09Follow-up reviews in the Health and Social Care Sector : Locum Doctors and Patient Safety
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2016-02Gifts and Hospitality - Policy on the provision and acceptance ofNorthern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016-10GP Specialty Trainee Handbook : Terms and Conditions of Service for GP Specialty Trainees in GP Practice
Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016Guide to the 2017 Areas of Natural Constraint SchemeDepartment of Agriculture and Rural Development. Area-Based Schemes Organisational Development Branch
2016-01-20Health and Food Safety Meeting NMSC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 20 January 2016, Joint CommuniqueNorth South Ministerial Council
2016-07Immunisation for pre-school children, three years and four months oldPublic Health Agency
2016-03In-Year Monitoring of Public Expenditure : 2016-17 Guidelines
Department of Finance and Personnel. Public Spending Directorate
2017-10-18[Letter. Treasury Officer of Accounts] : Use and Approval of Confidentiality Clauses/agreements in Dispute Settlements
Caldwell, Alison
2017-05-22[Letter. Treasury officer of accounts] : laying of annual report and accounts in the Northern Ireland Assembly
Department of Finance
2016-09Liability for Rates in the Landlord Sector : Consultation Report
Department of Finance
2019-12-19Major Capital ProjectsNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2019-06-14Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project - helping to deliver Digital TransformationNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2017-11Managing the Risk of Bribery and Corruption : Self-Assessment Checklists
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2017-11-14Managing the Risk of Bribery and Corruption : A good Practice Guide for the Northern Ireland Public Sector
Northern Ireland Audit Office
2017-11Matters of Material Significance reportable to UK charity regulators : a guide for auditors and independent examiners
Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; Charity Commission for England and Wales; Scottish Charity Regulator
2016-06-24North South Language Body Meeting NMSC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 24 June 2016 Joint CommuniqueNorth South Ministerial Council
2017North/South Implementation Bodies Annual Reports and Accounts GuidanceDepartment of Finance; Ireland. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
2017-10Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities : Statement of Investment Policy
Department for Communities