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Showing results 11 to 30 of 66 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-11Customer CharterInvest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2021-12-08Design and Administration of the Northern Ireland Small Business Support Grant SchemeNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2017-06DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area Conroy Gold and Natural Resources C1Department for the Economy
2017-06DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area Conroy Gold and Natural Resources C3Department for the Economy
2017-06DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area Dalradian Gold DG3Department for the Economy
2017-06DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area Dalradian Gold DG4Department for the Economy
2017-09DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area Karelian Diamond Resources KDR1Department for the Economy
2017-09DfE Mineral Prospecting Licence Application Area OM4 Flintridge Resources LtdDepartment for the Economy
2016-03-24End of Mandate (Legacy) Report 12 May 2011 - 29 March 2016Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment; McGlone, Patsy
2015-09-22End of Session Report 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2015Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment; McGlone, Patsy
2016-12-08Energy Efficiency Loan Fund Evaluation - FinalCogent Management Consulting LLP
2016-12-01EU Electricity Network Codes - Application Process for Generator Classification as an 'Emerging Technology'Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation
2016-09European Union Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020 Guidance BookletInvest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2017-03Export Development Service Evaluation - Final ReportCapaxo Limited (Firm)
2015-10Final Evaluation of the Regional Start Initiative (RSI) : Final Report
Invest Northern Ireland (Organization); SQW Ltd
2016-08Funding for Growth : The Business Angels Market on the Island of Ireland
2017-05-08Growth Accelerator Programme Evaluation - FinalCogent Management Consulting LLP
2016-09-28Helping Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Social Economy Enterprises (SSEs) access Public Sector Contracting OpportunitiesNorthern Ireland. Central Procurement Directorate
2017-01High Growth Firms in Northern Ireland : A Strategic Appraisal and Policy Assessment
Department for the Economy; Brown, Ross; Suzanne, Mawson; Lee, Neil
2015-09Industrial Refrigeration and Cooling : A guide to the operation and maintenance of refrigeration plant
Invest Northern Ireland (Organization)