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Showing results 28 to 47 of 66 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-09-28Helping Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Social Economy Enterprises (SSEs) access Public Sector Contracting OpportunitiesNorthern Ireland. Central Procurement Directorate
2017-01High Growth Firms in Northern Ireland : A Strategic Appraisal and Policy Assessment
Department for the Economy; Brown, Ross; Suzanne, Mawson; Lee, Neil
2015-09Industrial Refrigeration and Cooling : A guide to the operation and maintenance of refrigeration plant
Invest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2016-06-24Inland Waterways Meeting NMSC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh 24 June 2016 Joint CommuniqueNorth South Ministerial Council
2015-12Invest NI - Evaluation of the Collaborative Network Programme [CNP]Public and Corporate Economic Consultants
2018-03-20Invest NI Managed Led Measure of the European Sustainable Competitiveness Programme (EUSCP) for Northern Ireland 2007 - 2013 : Evaluation - Final
Cogent Management Consulting LLP
2016-05Invest NI's Fish Processing and Marketing SupportInvest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2015-11Invest Northern Ireland Resource Efficiency Capital GrantInvest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2019-05Issues Raised in Mineral Prospecting Notification Flintridge Resources Ltd OM4Department for the Economy
2019-05Issues Raised in Mineral Prospecting Notification Karelian Diamond Resources KR1Department for the Economy
2019-07-19Leader Programme Evaluation - FinalCogent Management Consulting LLP
2015-10Lighting : A Practical Lighting Efficiency Guide for Businesses in Northern Ireland
Invest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2016-06Lisburn & Castlereagh Council Area ProfileInvest Northern Ireland (Organization)
2017-09Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-06Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-07Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-06Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-06Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-09Mineral Development Act (NI) 1969Department for the Economy
2017-06-01Music Business Support Programme : Evaluation - Final
Cogent Management Consulting LLP