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Showing results 33 to 52 of 117 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-04Draft Modern Slavery Strategy 2019-2020 : Summary of Responses to the Consultation
Department of Justice; Organised Crime Task Force
2016-10Draft Northern Ireland Human Trafficking and Exploration Strategy 2016/17Department of Justice
2016-07-01Draft Northern Ireland Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Strategy 2016/17Department of Justice
2016-07Draft Witness Charter ConsultationDepartment of Justice
2021-02Experience of Crime : Findings from the 2019/20 Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey
Department of Justice; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; Campbell, P; Rice, A; Ross, K
2016-03Fear of CrimeDepartment of Justice
2015-09Final Northern Ireland Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy 2015/16Organised Crime Task Force
2018Framework for Promoting a Culture of Lawfulness : Executive Programme for Tackling Paramilitary Activity, Criminality, and Organised Crime
Department of Justice
2016-02Fraud PolicyNorthern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016-05Fraud PolicyNorthern Ireland Ambulance Service. Health and Social Care Trust
2016-12Fraud PolicyNorthern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency
2018Fraud PolicyNorthern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
2016-08Fraud Prevention PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2015-12Fraud Prevention PolicyDepartment of Culture, Arts & Leisure
2017-02Fraud Prevention PolicyDepartment of Education
2020-09-08Fraud Prevention Policy and Fraud Response PlanCommission for Victims and Survivors
2015-12Fraud Response PlanDepartment of Culture, Arts & Leisure
2016-08Fraud Response PlanNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-10Fraud Response PlanNorthern Ireland Audit Office
2019-05Fraud Response PlanDepartment for Communities