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Showing results 18 to 32 of 32 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-07Measles : factsheet for healthcare professionals
Public Health Agency
2017-07Measles : don't let your child catch it
Public Health Agency
2017-06Measles : symptoms and treatment
Public Health Agency
2017-07Measles : protect yourself, protect others
Public Health Agency
2018-08Northern Ireland Infectious Disease Incident/Outbreak PlanPublic Health Agency
2016-05Notifiable Epizootic Avian Disease Control Strategy for Northern IrelandDepartment of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2016-11Outbreak of Pneumococcal Disease in a Belfast Shipyard April - May 2015Public Health Agency
2018-06Over 70- what now? : Looking after your breasts
Public Health Agency
2017-11Planning ahead with dementiaPublic Health Agency
2017-10Protecting you and your baby : blood tests at your first antenatal visit
Public Health Agency
2016-07Surveillance of Influenza in Northern Ireland 2015 - 2016Public Health Agency
2018-03Syphilis infection in pregnancy : the management of syphilis in pregnancy and care of the newborn - Northern Ireland professional guidance and responsibilities 2018
Public Health Agency; Hawe, Lorna
2017-11Talking about risk and dementiaPublic Health Agency; Health and Social Care; Northern Ireland Executive; Dementia Together NI
2017-07The hexavalent DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB (6 in 1) combination vaccine : information for healthcare professionals about the inclusion of hepatitis B vaccine in the routine infant immunisation programme
Public Health Agency
2017-08The hexavalent DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB combination vaccine : Factsheet for healthcare professionals about the neonatal selective immunisation programme for babies at risk of hepatitis B
Public Health Agency