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Showing results 39 to 58 of 84 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-07Holidays and Holiday PayLabour Relations Agency
2016-11Holidays and holiday payLabour Relations Agency
2019-06Holidays and Holiday Pay : Information Note No. 3
Labour Relations Agency
2016-02Holidays and Holiday PayLabour Relations Agency
2015-11Improving Quality : Raising Standards : Further Education and Work-based Learning (2015/16)
Education and Training Inspectorate
2017-11Key Inequalities in Employment in Northern Ireland : Draft Statement
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
2017-10Labour Relations Agency - Information for ClaimantsLabour Relations Agency
2016-03-24Legacy Report 2011-16Northern Ireland Assembly. Committee for Employment and Learning; Swann, Robin
2019-10Management Statement for the Labour Relations AgencyLabour Relations Agency
2016-08Managing sickness absenceLabour Relations Agency
2022-05NI Economy & Labour Market : A summary of key statistics
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2018-03Northern Ireland Migration, Labour and SkillsDepartment for the Economy. Analytical Services Unit
2019-07Northern Ireland Skills Barometer : Summary report
Ulster University. Economic Policy Centre
2017-08Pay the right ratesLabour Relations Agency
2017-04Pay the right ratesLabour Relations Agency
2016-03Policy and Guidelines on the Acceptance of, and Expenditure on, Gifts and HospitalityLabour Relations Agency
2016-12Potential problems at Christmas timeLabour Relations Agency
2016-11Pregnancy and Maternity at WorkLabour Relations Agency; Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
2016-12Problems at work? : What you need to know about dealing with problems at work
Labour Relations Agency
2018-10Recruitment & Selection Framework : October 2018
Health and Social Care Board