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Showing results 36 to 55 of 300 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01Dementia and care of natural teeth and denturesPublic Health Agency; Health and Social Care Board
2017-06Dementia and moving to a care home : a guide for those with a dementia and their carers, family and friends
Public Health Agency; Northern Ireland Executive; Dementia Together NI
2017-10Developing Eyecare Partnerships 2012-2017 : Improving the Commissioning and Provision of Eyecare Services in Northern Ireland
Department of Health; Health and Social are Board; Public Health Agency
2016-05DHSSPS Review of Imaging Services Cardiology Workstream : on behalf of the DHSSPS Radiology Imaging Review board and the NI Diagnostics and Imaging Clinical Advisory group, Cardiology Clinical Network
Department of Health
2014-10-08DHSSPS Review of Imaging Services Radiology Workstream : Paper 1 of 4: Current Context
Department of Health; McNally, R; Robinson, J; Wright, M
2015-12-16DHSSPs Review of Imaging Services Radiology Workstream : Paper 3 of 4: Gap Analysis
Department of Health
2015-01-08DHSSPS Review of Imaging Services Radiology Workstream : Paper 2 of 4 : "Where We Want to Be"
Department of Health; McNally, R; Robinson, J; Wright, M
2015-12-16DHSSPS Review of Imaging Services Radiology Workstream : Paper 4 of 4: Blue Sky/Horizon Scan : Future Proofing and strategic Planning
Department of Health; McNally, R; Robinson, J; Wright, M
2017-01Diagnostic Imaging Equipment : Installed Equipment Base, Age Profile, and Equipment Management
Department of Health
2017-08Disability Action Plans - local actions 2017-2022Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10DoH Review of Imaging Services : ICT Imaging Workstream
Department of Health; Harvey, Nicky; Allison, Joanne; Moore, Damien
2018-10Don't gamble with your sexual health : Why a check up is important
Public Health Agency
2017-11Draft Disability Action Plan (2018-2023) : Annex B
Department of Health
2017-11Draft Equality Action Plan 2018-2023 : Annex A
Department of Health
2016-01Draft Equality Impact Assessment on Regional Communication Support Services ReviewHealth and Social Care Board
2017-08Draft WHSCT Local Actions 2017-2022 : to support HSC Draft Equality Action Plan and Disability Action Plans for 2017-2022
Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2016-03-15Dying, Death and Bereavement : A re-audit of HSC Trusts' policies, procedures and practices when death occurs. Staff Survey April - July 2015
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; Guidelines and Audit Implementation Network
2016-03-15Dying, Death and bereavement : a re-audit of HSC Trusts' policies, procedures and practices when death occurs. Organisational Audit June- August 2015
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-04Eating, drinking and swallowing : A guide for carers of people living with a dementia
Public Health Agency
2017-01-26Emergency Care Waiting Time Statistics : Additional Guidance
Department of Health