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Showing results 79 to 98 of 300 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-10Health and Wellbeing 2026 : Delivering Together: 12 Month Progress Report October 2017
Department of Health
2018-01Health and Wellbeing 2026 : Delivering Together: Latest Position for 18 Actions as at January 2018
Department of Health
2017-02Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) -1-06 - Management and Decontamination of Flexible EndoscopesDepartment of Health
2017-03Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 01-01 - Management and Decontamination of Surgical Instruments (Medical Devices) used in Acute CareDepartment of Health
2017-08Hepatitis B : protecting your baby
Public Health Agency
2017-02How to make a complaintPublic Health Agency
2017-10How we propose to purchase domiciliary care provider by non-statutory providersNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-03How we prose to purchase domiciliary care provided by non-statutory providers : Consultation Outcome Report for consideration by Trust Board
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10HSC Collective Leadership Strategy : Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together
Department of Health; Health and Social Care
2017HSCB Consultation on the Proposed Permanent Relocation of GP Out of Hours from Moneymore to Mid Ulster, MagherafeltHealth and Social Care Board
2018-10IHRD Implementation Plan : Workstream Brief : Workstream 9 : Assurance
[Department of Health]; Donnelly, Patricia; Bradley, Fergal
2017-09Imaging Review : Paediatric Workstream
Department of Health
2016-05Improving Ophthalmology Outpatient Services : A consultation on the development of Ophthalmic Clinical Centres in Northern, Southern and South Eastern Local Commissioning Group/Trust areas: Consultation Document & Equality Impact Assessment
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
2017-06Indicative Sanctions and Use of Interim Orders : Guidance for Fitness to Practice Committees
Northern Ireland Social Care Council
2016-06Integrated Care Partnerships : Interim impact report 2016
Health and Social Care Board
2015-02-03Investigation into determinants of quality in medical imaging services: the case for Northern IrelandDepartment of Health; Brown, Helena
2020-02Investigation of a complaint against 3fivetwo Healthcare GroupNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2022-05Investigation of a complaint against a Dental Practice in County DownNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2024-04Investigation of a complaint against a GP PracticeNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2018-06Investigation of a complaint against a GP practice in the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust areaNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman