Browsing by Subject Heading People with disabilities

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 78 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-10Access to Air Travel - for passengers with a disability or reduced mobilityGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2015-12Accessible Information PolicyCommission for Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland)
2018-03Active fun for everyone : Improving activity in children and young people with physical disabilities
Public Health Agency
2018-10Annual Health Checks : the experience of service users and carers of annual health checks for people with a learning disability
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2020-05-28Autism : (i) Programmes of Care and (ii) Use of Language
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Janice Thompson, (Parliamentary researcher)
2020-05-26Autism : Training and Capacity BuildingNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Potter, Michael (Researcher)
2014-02Best Practice Guidance : Creating accessible primary care services for people with sensory loss
Health and Social Care Board; RNIB Northern Ireland
2016-08Carer Respite Scheme InformationNorthern Ireland Police Fund
2016-12City of Derry Airport Site Visit and Belfast Airport Update on Special Assistance ProvisionGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2018-04Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland : Disability Action Plan : 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2022
Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland
2015-07Consultation on proposed changes to the unladen weight for powered mobility scooters and powered wheelchairsDepartment of the Environment
2015-12Consumer Council Report on Airport Special Assistance ProvisionGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2015-12Consumers' Awareness of the Rights of Passengers with a Disability or Reduced Mobility when Travelling by AirGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2017-06Derry Inner Wall City Public Realm : Accessibility and Inclusion Assessment
People Friendly Design Access Consultants
2017-09Disability Action Plan : 5 year review over the period 2012-2017
Department of Health
2016-09Disability Action Plan : Updated Actions for 2016/17
Department of Finance
2015-11-23Disability Action PlanUlster-Scots Agency
2018-04Disability Action Plan : Draft 2018 - 2023
Health and Social Care Board
2015-11Disability Action Plan : (updated)
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
2020-11Disability Action Plan : Example Action Measures : Complying with Section 49A & Section 49B of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) : A guide for designated public authorities.
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland