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Showing results 52 to 71 of 78 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-07Findings from the Consultation on the Regional Review of Communication Support Services for People who are D/deaf or Hard of HearingHealth and Social Care Board
2015-09Identification of Deafblind People and Associated Support Needs in Northern IrelandHealth and Social Care Board; Quinn, Martin; Gray, Colette
2018-08Independent Review into Safeguarding and Care a Dunmurry Manor Care Home : Full review terms of reference and methodology
CPEA Ltd; Bailey, Pat; Citarella, Vic; Flynn, M
2017-09Inspection of Special Schools : Information for Parents/Carers
Education and Training Inspectorate
2020-10-29Interim Policy for Students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (SLDD) in Further Education (FE) NIDepartment for the Economy; Belfast Metropolitan College; Northern Regional College (Northern Ireland); North West Regional College; South Eastern Regional College; Southern Regional College; South West College
2017July 2016 Disability Action Plan (Final), Following ConsultationMaze Long Kesh Development Corporation
2015-05Managing disability PolicyCommission for Victims and Survivors
2017-09Measuring the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities and Their Families : Scoping Study Final Report
Department for Communities; Queen's University Belfast; Ulster University; Davidson, Gavin; Irvine, Rebecca; Corman, Mike; Kee, Frank; Kelly, Berni; Leavey, Gerry; McNamee, Cate
2018-10Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom : UK Independent Mechanism update report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; Equality and Human Rights Commission; Scottish Human Rights Commission; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2018-09Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom : UK Independent Mechanism update report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; Equality and Human Rights Commission; Scottish Human Rights Commission; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2016-07Proposed Future Provision of Overnight Bed Based Short Breaks for Adults with a Varying Range of DisabilitiesSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-09-12Reasonable Adjustment PolicyNorthern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission
2018-05Regional Disability Action Plan 2018 - 2023Health and Social Care Board
2020-08Relationships, Sexuality and Dementia : Operational Guidance
Health and Social Care Board
2019-01Report on Glider Site Visit with Passengers with a Disability or Reduced MobilityGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2017-12Report on Special Assistance Service Provision provided by Stena Line between Belfast and CairnryanGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2017-12Report on Translink Site Visit with passengers with a disability or reduced mobilityGeneral Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
2018-07Review of How Pain in Service Users is Managed in Nursing and Residential Care HomesRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2020-05-28Review of Independent Scrutiny Mechanisms to Monitor Implementation of Autism Strategies in Various CountriesNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McMurray, Sinéad
2018-07Review of the Administration of Antibiotic Medicines and Medicine ChangesRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority