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Showing results 27 to 41 of 41 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-05Review of the Governance Arrangements for Child Protection in the HSC in Northern Ireland : Phase 1
Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2017-06Review of the Regional Plastic Surgery Service in Northern IrelandRegulation and Quality Improvement Authority
2018-09Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland’s Multi-Agency Neglect Strategy 2018-2022Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland
2017-11Steps to deal with stress : a simple guide to stressing less and enjoying life more
Public Health Agency
2017-11Take the next stepPublic Health Agency
2017-10Take The Stairs : a guide to implementing a workplace stair use programme
Public Health Agency
2016-08Take-A-Break : A Review of the Northern Health & Social Care Trust's Short Break provision to adults with a learning disability and their carers
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2016-09Take-A-Break : Consultation on the outcome of our review of short breaks for adults with a learning disability and their carers
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10Ten Thousand More Voices : improving the patient and client experience of delirium
Public Health Agency
2016-09The Dementia Learning and Development FrameworkHealth and Social Care Board; Northern Ireland Executive
2018-06The experience of living in a nursing home : Literature review and summary of key issues raised with the Patient and Client Council Complaints Service
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2017-03Understanding the care experience of people with dementia : Year 1 - Scoping Exercise
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2017-03Victims and Survivors Mid-Term Review Project : Final Summary Report
Public and Corporate Economic Consultants
2017-06You, Your Child and AlcoholPublic Health Agency
2016Young Learners and Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD)Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland)