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Showing results 70 to 89 of 150 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-08Investigation of a complaint against the Western Health and Social Care TrustNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2020-07Investigation of a complaint against the Western Health and Social Care TrustNorthern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
2020-12-17Legislative options to inform the development of an Adult Protection Bill for Northern Ireland : Consultation document
Department of Health
2019-01Looked after Children Minimum Kinship Care Standards Northern IrelandDepartment of Health
2017Management Statement & Financial Memorandum : Department of Health and Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency (NIGALA)
Department of Health
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measure of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes ReportDepartment for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
2015-07Neighbourhood Renewal Measurement of Outcomes Report 2015Department for Social Development. Urban Regeneration Strategy Directorate. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit