Browsing by Author Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland

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Showing results 21 to 40 of 50 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-09Financial Abuse of Older People in Northern Ireland : The Unsettling Truth
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-05FOI publication scheme : Freedom of Information Act 2000
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2020-10Freedom of information policyCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-12Freedom of Information PolicyCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-12Gifts and Hospitality PolicyCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2018-07Helping care homes comply with their consumer law obligationsCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2018-06Home Truths : A Report on the Commissioner's Investigation into Dunmurry Manor Care Home : Summary Report
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2018-06Home Truths : A Report on the Commissioner's Investigation into Dunmurry Manor Care Home
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-07Housing Supply Strategy: Call for Evidence : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-11How we propose to purchase domiciliary care provided by non-statutory providers : A response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2019-04Improving Access to Justice for Older Victims of Crime : Older People as Victims of Crime and the Response of the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland : Technical report 2019
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland; Queen's University Belfast; Brown, Kevin James; Gordon, Faith
2021-03Legislative options to inform the development of an Adult Protection Bill for Northern Ireland Consultation : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-03Legislative options to inform the development of an Adult Protection Bill for Northern Ireland consultation : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-02Northern Ireland bill of rights : Written response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2020-09Pension Schemes Bill 2020 Northern Ireland : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2015-06Prepared to Care? : Modernising Adult Social Care in Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2016-05Prevalence of financial abuse against older people in Northern IrelandCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2016-12Programme for Government 2016-2021 : Consultation Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-03Programme for Government draft outcomes framework consultation : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2018Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties Annual Progress Report 2016-17Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland