Browsing by Author Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland

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Showing results 3 to 22 of 50 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-02BBC Consultation Age Related TV licence Policy : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2018-01Briefing on Northern Ireland budgetary outlook 2018-2020Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
-Business PlanCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-11Consultation on the Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2022 : A response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2016-07Consultation on the Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-2021 : Summary of consultation response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2017-02Continuing Healthcare in Northern Ireland : Introducing a fair and transparent system : Consultation Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
-COPNI e-briefingCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-10Corporate plan 2022-2024Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2019-05Crime and Justice: The Experience of Older People in Northern Ireland : Commissioner's report
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-12Data Protection and Security PolicyCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2020-10Data protection and security policyCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-07Department for communities housing supply strategy: call for evidence : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2017Disability Action PlanCommissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2015-10Domiciliary Care in Northern Ireland : A Report of the Commissioner's Summit
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-03Draft budget spending proposals 2021-22 : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-03Draft mental health strategy consultation 2021-2031 : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2021-02Enhancing legal protections for victims of domestic abuse : Response from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2017-01Expert Advisory Panel on Adult Care & Support : Evidence from the Commissioner for Older People or Northern Ireland
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2016-09Financial Abuse of Older People in Northern Ireland : The Unsettling Truth
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
2022-05FOI publication scheme : Freedom of Information Act 2000
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland