Browsing by Author Department for the Economy

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Showing results 131 to 150 of 442 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-12Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland : Annexes
Department for the Economy
2023-01Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland : Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report
Department for the Economy
2023-07Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland : Public Consultation Response Report
Department for the Economy
2023-07Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland : Public Consultation Response Report - Annex
Department for the Economy
2023-09-09Draft Initial Regulatory Impact Assessment for Offshore Renewable Energy Installations Policy Options Consultation : Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
Department for the Economy
2022-11-30Draft Offshore Renewable Energy Action Plan : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998
Department for the Economy
2023-10-27Draft Offshore Renewable Energy Installations Policy : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998
Department for the Economy
2024-06Draft Tourism Strategy : 10 Year Plan Analysis of Consultation Responses
Department for the Economy
2021-12Economic Recovery Action Plan : Rebuilding a Stronger Economy
Department for the Economy
2021-02Economic Recovery Action Plan : Rebuilding a Stronger Economy
Department for the Economy
2021-08-12Economic Recovery from Covid-19 and Restrictions : Analysis as of 12 August 2021
Department for the Economy
-Economic Research DigestDepartment for the Economy
-Economic Research DigestDepartment for the Economy
2017-02Economy 2030 : A consultation on an Industrial Strategy for Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
-Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland : Year Ending ...
Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
-Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland : Year Ending ...
Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2023-12Employer Skills Survey 2022 - Northern Ireland : Official Statistics
Department for the Economy; IFF Research Ltd
2023-08-23Employment and Earnings Outcomes of ApprenticeshipsNI Achievers : An analysis of ApprenticeshipsNI achievers during academic years 2014/15 to 2018/19 and their employment and earnings outcomes during tax years 2017/18 to 2020/21
Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2016-06Empowering Consumers : Beginning a conversation on consumer priorities for the Northern Ireland electricity network
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland; Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation; Northern Ireland Electricity Networks
2016-06Energy : DfE response to supplementary consultation on Closure of the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation to new small scale onshore wind
Department for the Economy