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Showing results 334 to 353 of 474 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Performance Indicators in Higher EducationDepartment for the Economy; Department for Employment and Learning
2023-05Place 10X : A Sub-Regional Economic Approach
Department for the Economy
2023-12Place10X Call for Evidence : Summary of Responses & Next Steps
Department for the Economy
2018-04Policy and Operational ContextDepartment for the Economy
2018-01-29Post Project Evaluation : ESF Communication Plan 2017
Department for the Economy
2019-05Postgraduate Studentships : Terms and conditions : (Academic year 2019/2020)
Department for the Economy
2021-11Postgraduate Studentships : Terms and Conditions : (Academic year 2021/22)
Department for the Economy
2019-06Progress Evaluation Report of the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020Department for the Economy
2024-02Project Gigabit : Public Review - Outcome Report : Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy
2023-06Project Gigabit NI : Public Review Request for Information (RFI)
Department for the Economy
2019-12[Project Stratum : Response to State Aide Public Consultation : Extending Broadband across Northern Ireland] : Annex 4 - Maps of Postcode centroids in Northern Ireland by NGA classification
Department for the Economy
2023-03Project Stratum Discrete Superfast Re-Consultation - Summary of Responses and OutcomesDepartment for the Economy
2020-02[Project Stratum] Annex 4 : Maps of Postcode centroids in Northern Ireland by NGA classification
Department for the Economy
2024-05-24Proposal for primary legislation to resolve issues in regard to the Department’s financial powers : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998
Department for the Economy
2024-06-07Proposal for the introduction of Carer's Leave : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998 : [The 'Good Jobs' Employment Rights Bill, Public Consultation]
Department for the Economy
2024-07-09Proposal to Integrate Disability Support Within the Department's Training Programmes at Entry Level and Level One : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998
Department for the Economy
2024-06Proposal to introduce Carer's Leave : Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) : [The 'Good Jobs' Employment Rights Bill, Public Consultation]
Department for the Economy
2024-06Proposals for the introduction of a new employment right to neonatal care leave & pay : Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) : [The 'Good Jobs' Employment Rights Bill Public Consultation]
Department for the Economy
2024-06-25Proposals for the introduction of a new employment right to neonatal care leave & pay : Equality Screening Template - Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998 : [The 'Good Jobs' Employment Rights Bill, Public Consultation]
Department for the Economy
2024-06Proposals to amend NI Paternity Leave entitlements : Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) : [The 'Good Jobs' Employment Rights Bill, Public Consultation]
Department for the Economy