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Showing results 389 to 408 of 593 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-01-04Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion ServiceDepartment of Health
2024-02Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The Northern Ireland Social Care CouncilDepartment of Health
2024-01-04Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The South Eastern Health and Social Care TrustDepartment of Health
2024-01-04Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The Southern Health and Social Care TrustDepartment of Health
2024-01-04Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The Western Health and Social Care TrustDepartment of Health
2022-07Partnerships : How we plan to work with our partners to deliver our HSC digital strategy
Department of Health
2024-02-05Partnerships between Department of Health and the Children's Court Guardian Agency for Northern IrelandDepartment of Health
2021-01Pharmacy Workforce Review 2020Department of Health
2021-04Pharmacy Workforce Review 2020 : Pharmacy Technician Report
Department of Health
2024-07-05Policy underpinning the Public Health Bill (Northern Ireland) : A Consultation Document
Department of Health
2022-02Pressures on General Practice in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health
2021-09Preventing Harm, Empowering Recovery : A Strategic Framework to Tackle the Harm from Substance Use (2021-31)
Department of Health
2016-08-15Prevention of Congenital Rubella infection in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health
2017-06Professional Guidance for Consultant Roles : Supporting Consultant Nurses & Consultant Midwives in Health and Social Care
Department of Health; Health and Social Care Board; Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing & Midwifery; McArdle, Charlotte
2020-12Project Initiation Document (PID) : Framework to Enhance Clinical Care in Northern Ireland Care Homes
Department of Health
2021-05Proposals to extend modifications to children's social care legislation - Consultation Report 2021 : Summary and Analysis of Responses
Department of Health
2022-10Proposed Amendments to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 Patient Group Directions : Consultation Report
Department of Health
2022-10-24Proposed closure of Muckamore Abbey Hospital : Consultation Document
Department of Health
2016-09Protect Life 2 : a draft strategy for suicide prevention in the north of Ireland
Department of Health
2017-02Protect Life 2 : a draft strategy for suicide prevention in the north of Ireland: Consultation Analysis Report
Department of Health