Browsing by Author Health and Social Care Board

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Showing results 127 to 136 of 136 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-12Updated formula for Mental Health Programme of Care to be incorporated into the Regional Capitation Formula : Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights : Screening Template
Health and Social Care Board
2018-03Welcome to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services : A Guide for You
Health and Social Care Board
2017-11What I need to know about a Serious Adverse Incident : Information for Service Users, Family Members and Carers
Health and Social Care Board; Public Health Agency
2018-11Working Arrangements for the Welfare and Protection of Adult Victims and Potential Victims of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery : Guidance issued by the Department of Justice, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Health and Social Care Board
Police Service of Northern Ireland; Department of Justice; Health and Social Care Board
2018-11Working arrangements for the welfare and protection of adult victims of human trafficking and modern slaveryDepartment of Justice; Police Service of Northern Ireland; Health and Social Care Board
2018-01Working Arrangements for the Welfare and Safeguarding of Child Victims and Potential Child Victims of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery : Guidance issued by the Health and Social Care Board and the Police Service for Northern Ireland
Health and Social Care Board
2018-01Working Arrangements for the Welfare and Safeguarding of Unaccompanied and Separated Children and Young People : Guidance issued by the Health and Social Care Board
Health and Social Care Board
2018-03Working Together : A Pathway for Children and Young People through CAMHS
Health and Social Care Board
2017-07Your Experience Matters : Sensemaker Re-audit December 2015
Health and Social Care Board; Public Health Agency
2017-06Your Experience Matters Sensemaker Re-audit December 2015Public Health Agency; Health and Social Care Board