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Showing results 31 to 50 of 80 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-02Feedback Report : Service User Focus Group : Post CVID Rehabilitation Programme and Post COVID Clinical Health Psychology
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2022-02-09Feedback Report : Service User Engagement Event : Robinson Memorial Hosptial Refurbishment
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland); National health services
2021-11Feedback Report : My Journey : Service User and Care Engagement Event
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2022-04-06Feedback Report : Rheumatology Physiotherapy Focus Group
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-10Food and Drink Strategy 2018-2021 : Promoting Good Nutrition and Oral Hydration in NHSCT
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-04Food and Drink Strategy 2018-2021 : Promoting Good Nutrition and Oral Hydration in NHSCT
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017Future model for acute paediatric services in Northern Trust hospitals : Consultation
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-03Future model for acute paediatric services in Northern Trust hospitalsNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2015Future of Norfolk Court Supported Living Scheme : Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights Screening Template
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2021-02How we propose to purchase domiciliary care provided by non-statutory providers : Consultation
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10How we propose to purchase domiciliary care provider by non-statutory providersNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-03How we prose to purchase domiciliary care provided by non-statutory providers : Consultation Outcome Report for consideration by Trust Board
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10Infant Mental Health StrategyNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2024-06Involvement and Consultation SchemeNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
-Involvement Annual ReportNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2022-03Northern HSCT Service Delivery Plan - Quarter 4 addendum (14/01/22)Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2015-11Our Proposals for the Implementation of Urology Services in Western and Northern Trusts : Consultation document 6 November 2015 - 29 January 2016
Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland); Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
-Personal and Public Involvement Annual ReportNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
-Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties Annual Progress ReportNorthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2021-04Rebuild Plan April to June 2021Northern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)