Browsing by Author Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service

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Showing results 42 to 61 of 361 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-03-13Background Information and Statistics on Carers in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Russell, Raymond
2016-11-17Background paper on Waste Management in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Cave, Suzie
2021-11-12Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) BillNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Law reform; Murphy, Eleanor
2017-01-25Breastfeeding : Attitudes and Policies
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Betts, Jennifer; Russell, Raymond
2020-11-13Brexit and Health in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Barry, Robert Dr
2017-05-25Brexit and Northern Ireland : A Reading List
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McGeown, Séan
2021-11-09Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland : A Reading List
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Gordon, Trevor
2024-02-06Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland : A Reading List
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Gordon, Trevor
2021-07-29Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland : A Reading List
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McGeown, Seán
2023-09Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland : A Reading ListNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Gordon, Trevor
2023-03Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland : A Reading List (updated 30 March 2023)Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Gordon, Trevor
2020-12-31Brexit Transition and Northern Ireland : A Reading List
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; McGeown, Séan
2016-11-18Briefing Paper for the eighth meeting of the North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association : Agri-food and Brexit
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Oireachtas Library & Research Service
2016-11-18Briefing paper for the eighth meeting of the North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association. : Paper 1 : Impact of Brexit on Cross-Border Activity
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Oireachtas Library & Research Service
2015-11-27Briefing Paper for the seventh meeting of the North-South Inter-Parliamentary Association : Women in Public Life
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Oireachtas Library & Research Service
2021-04-30Budgetary Oversight of Parliamentary Corporate Bodies : A comparative perspective
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Drummond, Orla; Keyes, Rachel
2017-06-28Cancer: Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Black, Lesley-Ann; McKay, Keara (GIS consultant)
2016-03Carers : Legislation, Policy and Practice
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Betts, Jennifer; Thompson, Janice (Parliamentary researcher)
2021-04-23CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention : A comparative view on transposition and implementation in domestic law and practice
Northern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Orme, Stephen
2020-02-27Centralisation reforms of public procurement in the Republic of Ireland and ScotlandNorthern Ireland Assembly. Research and Information Service; Pidgeon, Colin