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Showing results 171 to 190 of 265 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-10Radioactivity in Food and the Environment 2014Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland; Environment Agency; Food Standards Agency Scotland; Natural Resources Wales; Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Scottish Environment Protection Agency
2015-12Record of Public Participation and Consultation : Neagh Bann River Basin District
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2015-12Record of Public Participation and Consultation : North Western River Basin District
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2015-12Record of Public Participation and Consultation : North Eastern River Basin District
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02-17Red Squirrel Surveys : NIEA Specific Requirements
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Regulation of Anaerobic Digestion of WasteNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2021-04Regulatory Charging Policy 2021-2023Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-12Regulatory Position Statement : The revised Waste Framework Directive - Regulation of Excluded Wastes
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-07Regulatory Position Statement : Low Risk Activities - July 2017
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-07Regulatory Position Statement : Restriction on the use of waste gypsum and plasterboard in animal bedding
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02Regulatory Position Statement : Production of Asphalt Road Plannings
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2018-06-11Regulatory Position Statement : the movement and use of treated asphalt waste containing coal tar
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-07Regulatory Position Statement - Transfrontier Shipment of Wastes : Requirements for charities and other organisations involved in the collection of used clothes
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Regulatory Position Statement - Duty of Care : Construction/Demolition Waste and Recycled Aggregate
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
2017-02Regulatory Position Statement - Reuse of MaterialNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-06Regulatory Position Statement on the use of Gypsum and Plasterboard in Animal BeddingNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016-08Report on the State of Implementation of the Nitrates Directive in the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) 2012-2015 (In accordance with Article 10 of the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC))Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute; Northern Ireland Environment Agency; College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise
2021-03Reporting classifications for 3rd Cycle River Basin Management PlansNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2016Reuse and Recycling Routes for Waste Tyres in Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland Environment Agency
2015-05Review of Sensitive Areas in Northern Ireland under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 2008-2013Northern Ireland Environment Agency