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Showing results 13 to 32 of 42 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-08Fraud Prevention PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-08Fraud Response PlanNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017Freedom of Information Act PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-08Freedom of Information Act Policy (Revised June 2015)Northern Ireland Screen Commission
2015-12Health and Safety Policy Statement of Northern Ireland Screen CommissionNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2019-05-23Management Statement and Financial MemorandumNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
-Opening Doors : A Strategy to Transform the Screen Industries in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Screen Commission
-Operating PlanNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-08Policy and Procedures on Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable AdultsNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017-08Policy and Procedures on Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable AdultsNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017Privacy PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-08Privacy Policy - Revised August 2016Northern Ireland Screen Commission
-Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties Annual Progress ReportNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017Publication Scheme : Freedom of Information Act 2000
Northern Ireland Screen Commission
2015-06Raising Concerns PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2016-08'Raising Concerns' PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017'Raising Concerns' PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
2017Record Management PolicyNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
-Screen Fund AwardsNorthern Ireland Screen Commission
-Strategic Report, Directors' Report and Financial Statements for the year ended ...Northern Ireland Screen Commission