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Showing results 166 to 185 of 566 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-02Earnings statistics from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and HMRC Pay As You Earn Real Time Information : Theme: Labour Market
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2018-07Economic Accounts Project : Methodology Guide
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2023-09Economic Overview : A dashboard of key NISRA economic and labour market statistics
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2023-04-18Economic Overview : A dashboard of key NISRA economic and labour market statistics
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2023-03-28Education Outcomes Linkage : Guidance Document
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland : Year Ending ...
Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2023-08-23Employment and Earnings Outcomes of ApprenticeshipsNI Achievers : An analysis of ApprenticeshipsNI achievers during academic years 2014/15 to 2018/19 and their employment and earnings outcomes during tax years 2017/18 to 2020/21
Department for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil ServiceNorthern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2018-01Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service : Statistical Bulletin
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2018-07Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service : Statistical Bulletin
Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil ServiceNorthern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Employment Service Support Statistical Factsheet : Statistics from ...
Department of Employment and Learning; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Employment Vacancies Notified to the Department for Communities : Statistical Bulletin
Department for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Employment Vacancies Notified to the Department for Communities : Statistical Factsheet
Department for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2022-10Ending Violence Against Women and Girls : Experiences and Attitudes of 16 year olds in Northern Ireland
Executive Office; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Energy in Northern IrelandDepartment for the Economy; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Engagement in culture, arts and leisure by adults in Northern Ireland : Annual report : Findings from the Continuous Household Survey
Department for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
-Engagement in culture, arts and leisure by young people in Northern IrelandDepartment for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2018-05-31Engagement in culture, arts and sport by adults in Northern Ireland : Findings from the Continuous Household Survey 2017/18
Department for Communities; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency
2016-01-14Enrolments and Qualifications at UK Higher Education Institutions : Northern Ireland - 2014/15
Department for Employment and Learning; Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency