Browsing by Author Northern Ireland Water

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Showing results 3 to 22 of 55 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Annual Report and Accounts For the year ended ...Northern Ireland Water
2021-06Ards North Wastewater Improvement ProjectNorthern Ireland Water
2020-10Bangor Sewerage Improvement ProjectNorthern Ireland Water
2020-11Big, bold, positive ideas on how NI Water can help society address the Climate EmergencyNorthern Ireland Water
2018-06Billing & Metering for Non-Domestic Customers : Code of Practice
Northern Ireland Water
2018-06Billing & Metering for Non-Domestic Customers : Code of Practice
Northern Ireland Water
2022-08Billing & Metering for non-domestic customers : Code of Practice
Northern Ireland Water
2016-09CEO11 Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Year End 31 March 2016Northern Ireland Water
2018-12Code of Practice for works on private landNorthern Ireland Water
2022-02[Consultation MPLA1/19 & MPLA2/19 Stakeholder replies]Northern Ireland Water; Loughs Agency; Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Tourism Northern Ireland; Department of Education; Invest Northern Ireland (Organization); Department of Health
-Dalriada Water LimitedNorthern Ireland Water
2018-06Dealing with Leaks : Code of Practice
Northern Ireland Water
2022-08Dealing with Leaks : Code of Practice
Northern Ireland Water
2018-03Disposal of Fats, Oils and Food Waste : Best Management Practice for Catering Outlets
Northern Ireland Water
-Drinking Water Quality : Annual Report
Northern Ireland Water
2017-07-21Flood Alleviation Project : Upper Newtownards Road
Northern Ireland Water
2018-05Freedom of Information Act 2000 : Publication Scheme
Northern Ireland Water
2020-06Guideline for Lead Pipe Replacement and Separation of Supply (LPR & SOS) : For Customers/Contractors and Plumbers
Northern Ireland Water
2016-06-14Guidelines for the Provision of Temporary Drinking Water Supplies at Events in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health; Chief Environmental Health Officers Group N.I.; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Department for Infrastructure; Northern Ireland Water; Public Health Agency
2019-06-01Guidelines for the Provision of Temporary Drinking Water Supplies at Events in Northern IrelandDepartment of Health; Environmental Health Northern Ireland; Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs; Department for Infrastructure; Public Health Agency; Northern Ireland Water