Browsing by Author Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)

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Showing results 10 to 29 of 38 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-06Early onset dementia : the experience of living with early onset dementia - people with the condition and family members tell their story
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2017-04End of life : key issues arising from complaints about end of life care experience - Year 2
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016-05Endometriosis in Northern Ireland : Position statement as at 31 March 2016
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2023-04Equality and Disabilty Action Plans 2023-28Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2020-12Exploring the experiences and perspectives of clinically extremely vulnerable people during COVID-19 shielding : Final report
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2022-05Grief & Bereavement in Northern Ireland : Summary of Engagement
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016-12Home Treatment Crisis Response Service : People's experience in Northern Ireland
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2015How can we help? : Your guide to making a complaint about Health and Social Care services
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016-09ME/CFS in Northern Ireland : Position Statement as at 31 August 2016
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2019-02Our experiences of self-directed support : Service users and carers share their views.
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2018-03Our lived experience of waiting for healthcare : People in Northern Ireland share their story
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016-10Our Plan 2017-2021Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2023-06Partnership Agreement between The Department of Health and The Patient and Client Council (PCC)Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2021-03Peoples' PrioritiesPatient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
-Quality ReportPatient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2016-11Recurrent Miscarriage in Northern Ireland : Position Statement as at 31 September 2016
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2021-03Report on the Engagement with current and former patients, families, and carers Regarding The Terms of Reference of the Public Inquiry into Muckamore Abbey HosptialPatient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2023-12Response to DoH public Consultation : Independent Review of Children's Social Care Services, Initial Consultations on Recommendations
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2019-10Serious Adverse Incident Complaints : A Thematic Review of Complaints Support Service Cases 2014-2018
Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)
2022-07Standing Orders, Scheme of Reservation and Delegation and Standing Financial Instructions for the Patient and Client Council (The PCC)Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland)