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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Corporate PlanSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-12Daisy Hill Hospital DevelopmentsSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-09Daisy Hill Hospital Interim Stability Plan UpdateSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-07-25Daisy Hill Hospital Interim Stability Plan UpdateSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-06Daisy Hill Hospital Stability Plan UpdateSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-05Disability Action Plan, Local Actions 2018 - 2023Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-05Equality Action Plan : local actions 2018 - 2023
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-03Equality and Disability Action Plans 2018-2023 : Consultation Outcome Report
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-10Equality Scheme : Drawn up in accordance with Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-10-26Executive Director of Social Work ReportSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland); Colm, McCafferty
2017-09Financial Memorandum between the Department of Health and Southern Health & Social Care Trust : Appendix 2
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2023-10High Level Winter Prepardness Plan 23/24Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2018-05Improving Together : Corporate Plan 2017/18 - 2020/21
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2022-05Independent Serious Adverse Incident Review Final ReportSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-11Involving for Improvement : Framework for Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2017-10Management Statement Between Department of Health for Northern Ireland & Southern Health & Social Care TrustSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland); Department of Health
2023-09-28Medical Director's Report Medical Appraisal and RevalidationSouthern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland); Maggie, Davison
2020-07Our Approach : Rebuilding Health and Social Care Services in the Southern Trust : Phase 2 Rebuild Plan : 1st July - 30th September 2020
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2020-06Our Approach : Rebuilding Health and Social Care Services in the Southern Trust : Stage 1 Plan: 1st June-30th June 2020
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)
2021-04Our Approach : Rebuilding Health and Social Care Services in the Southern Trust : Trust Rebuild Plan from April 2021 to June 2021
Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)