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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-112016 UK Judicial Attitude Survey : Report of findings covering salaried judges in Northern Ireland
Judiciary NI; Thomas, Cheryl, Professor
2018-02Coroners Service for Northern Ireland Appeal for Information : Ballymurphy Inquest - call for British Army veterans
Judiciary NI
2022-06Effectively & Efficiently Dealing with Delay in the Criminal CourtsJudiciary NI
2019-11Guide on Reporting Restrictions in the Criminal CourtsJudiciary NI
2024-03Guidelines for the assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases in Northern IrelandJudiciary NI
2019-02Guidelines for the assessment of general damages in personal injury cases in Northern Ireland (fifth edition)Judiciary NI
2024-04In His Majesty's Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland Security Industry Authority Complainant/Appellant and Jamie Bryson Defendant/RespondentJudiciary NI
2024-04In His Majesty's Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland The King v Dennis AllenJudiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division, Between Patrick Askin, Alan White, Derek Byrne and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Ministry of Defence and Secretary of State for Northern IrelandJudiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division, Between Patrick Askin, Alan White, Derek Byrne and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Ministry of Defence and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland : NIMaster 7
Judiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division, Between Patrick Askin, Alan White, Derek Byrne and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Ministry of Defence and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland : NIMaster 8
Judiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division, Between Patrick Askin, Alan White, Derek Byrne and Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Ministry of Defence and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland : NIMaster 10
Judiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division, in the matter of an application by JR296 for Judicial ReviewJudiciary NI
2024-04In the High Court of Justice of Northern Ireland, Family Division, Between G and G (Needs, Discovery and Coercive Control)Judiciary NI
2024-04In the matter of an inquest into the deaths of Lawrence Joseph McNally, Anthony Patrick Doris and Michael James Ryan : Findings of Mr Justice Humphreys sitting as a coroner. Provisional findings
Judiciary NI
2024-04In the matter of inquests into the deaths of ten men on The Kingsmill Road, County Armagh on 5 January 1976 : Summary of Coroner's Verdicts and Findings
Judiciary NI
2024-04In the matter of inquests touching the deaths of Robert Walker, Joseph Lemmon, Reginald Chapman, Walter Chapman, Kenneth Worton, James McWhirter, Robert Chambers, John Bryans, Robert Freeburn, John McConvilleJudiciary NI
2021-01Inquest touching upon the death of Patrick McElhone on 7 August 1974Judiciary NI
2021-03Inquests into deaths at Ballymurphy 9-11 August 1971Judiciary NI
2021-09Judicial Modernisation PaperJudiciary NI